Santee Sioux Nation - History and Culture
May 1866 - The 247 Santees shipped from Davenport, Iowa. Arrive at the Niobrara River by Niobrara Township.
June 11, 1866 - Santees removed from Crow Creek. Arrive at Niobrara River by Niobrara Township (first site of the Agency was a mile East of Niobrara.)
During the winter, the Agency was moved 3-4 miles East of Niobrara at the mouth of the Bazile Creek, where present day Maiden's Leap is located.
Summer 1867 - Santee Agency is moved to present day site, which at the time was called Breckenridge.
1867 - First church built by Samuel D. Hinman where present day Our Most Merciful Savior Church is located . Which also served as the first Agency
School .1868 - Fort Laramie Treaty is signed.
1868 - First
School Building is built by Samuel D. Hinman.1869 - Group of Santee families leave to establish homesteads by what is now Flandreau, S.D.
1869 - An addition added to schoolhouse to serve as a hospital.
August 1869 - Santee Reservation Land is established.
October 1869 - Santee agent Samuel M. Janney establishes the first police force of 1 member from each of the 6 bands with the pay of $5 a month.
June 1870 - Tornado wipes out church and
school building .Winter 1870 - Santee Normal Training School is established by A.L. Riggs, with an
enrollment of 111 students.June 1871 - Samuel M. Janney builds 3 story chalkstone sawmill on Bazile Creek so the Santees can grind their own grain into flour.
August 1871 - Santee Normal Training
School opens it's own printing press and begins printing the lapi Oaye (Word Carrier).1873 - Breakout of smallpox epidemic claims 70 Santees' lives.
1874 - Industrial School opens with an enrollment of 36 pupils and 3 teachers.
1875 - Day
schools established by Episcopal Mission at Blessed Redeemer at Howe Creek and Wabasha's Village near the Holy Faith Church at Hobu Creek.April 23rd, 1876 - Head Chief Wabasha dies.
January 22, 1878 - First election held to elect 2
representatives from 4 districts to replace old chief system.1882 - Hope School. A small institution for boys, was opened up by the Episcopal Mission in Springfield, S.D.
1884 - After the burning of the Indian Missions, the girls' school, St. Mary's, is moved to Springfield, S.D.
Summer 1884 - A court of Indian offenses is instituted. But the court and police force were eliminated in 1891.
February 2, 1887 - Dakotah language is prohibited in the classrooms at The Normal Training School.
1893 - Government
support of Normal Training school is terminated.Summer 1893 - First per capita payment is made to the Santee Agency in the sum of $34.93.
1898 - Santee population rises to 1,098.
1917 - Withdrawl of government services leads to closing of Santee Agency.
1935 - 2 Room School House is built across the street from what is now Takoja Tipi Daycare, which would serve as the primary school after the Normal Training School permanently closes it's doors in 1936.